Conducted by:- National Institute of Technology Durgapur
Phone No: 0343-2752123, Fax: 0343-2547375
Mail Id:
Testdate:28th May 2017 (Sunday)Timings : 10.00 to 12.00
Eligibility Criteria to Appear For NIMCET-2017
lndian Nationals securing at least 60% marks in aggregate or 6.5 CGPA on a 10 point scales (55% marks or 6.0 CGPA on a 10 point scale in case of SC/ ST) in
(i) B.Sc / B.Sc (Hons) / BCA / BIT of minimum three years full-time with Mathematics/Statistics/Equivalent subject *as one of the subject from a recognized University. ;
(ii) B E /B Tech or equivalent from a recognized University are eligible to appear for NIMCET-20I7.
Conversion of scored marks from CGPA to percentage and vice-versa is not permitted
(CCPA other than 10 point scale will be converted to 10 point scale based on Unitary method)
*Equivalence will be established by a duly constituted equivalence committee whose decision will be final.
CGPA other than 10 point scale will be converted to 10 point scale based on unitary method.
Candidates who are appearing for the qualifying examination are also eligible to apply for NIMCET-2017 and such candidates shall have to furnish the proof (in the form of a certificate issued by the Head of institution where the candidate has studied) of candidature for appearing the examinations during the academic year 2017-18. All candidates shall submit the proof of fulfilling the eligibility criteria of NIMCET-2017 at the time of Counseling/Admission but not later than 15-9-2017, failing which their admission is liable to be cancelled by the respective NITs.
*Students who have completed/completing degree BSc / BSc(Hons)/BCA/ BIT of 3 years from Open Universities are also eligible to apply provided their programme is approved by UGC / AICTE and Distance Education Council (DEC) of Govt. of India
Conversion from CGPA to percentage and vice-versa is not permitted.
The percentages of marks in qualifying degree are to be calculated on the basis of marks obtained in all the subjects studied in all the years including languages, optional and additional subjects studied, if any. The aggregate of marks secured in all the subjects in all the years computed using this method of calculation alone be considered by NIMCET-2017 for deciding eligibility.
NIMCET Exam Pattern:
NIMCET-2017 test will be conducted with only one question paper containing 120 multiple choice questions covering the following subjects. Multiple Choice Questions will be written in English Language only and will not be translated into any other language.
1. Mathematics |
50 questions |
2. Analytical Ability & Logical Reasoning |
40 questions |
3. Computer Awareness |
10 questions |
4. General English |
20 questions |
Award of Marks
Each correctly answered question will carry FOUR marks and each wrongly answered question will lead to NEGATIVE ONE mark.
The candidates are advised not to attempt such questions if they are not sure of the correct answer. No deduction from the total score will, however, be made if a question is unanswered. More than one answer indicated against a question will be negatively marked. The candidates have to mark the responses in the OMR sheet using black or blue ink ball point pen only.
Qualifying Criteria for Allotment of Rank
A Candidate securing zero or negative marks either in Mathematics or Total Marks in NIMCET-2017 test will be disqualified. Based on the marks obtained by a qualified candidate in NIMCET-2017 test, a rank will be allotted by adopting the following criteria.
- The marks obtained in Mathematics, Analytical Ability & Logical Reasoning, Computer Awareness, English, will be multiplied by a factor of 3, 1½ , 2 and 1 respectively. Thus maximum weighted marks will be 1000.
- Ranking will be based on total weighted marks obtained by a candidate. In case of a tie, it will be resolved based on weighted marks in Mathematics, then on weighted marks in Logical reasoning and then on weighted marks in Computer Awareness.
- In case the tie is not resolved by the above criteria stated in the above paragraph, then it will be resolved by age i.e., in favour of elder candidate.
1. MATHEMATICS: (50 questions)
Set Theory:
Concept of sets – Union, Intersection, Cardinality, Elementary counting; permutations and combinations.
Probability and Statistics:
Basic concepts of probability theory, Averages, Dependent and independent events, frequency distributions, measures of central tendencies and dispersions.
Algebra: Fundamental operations in algebra, expansions, factorization, simultaneous linear / quadratic equations, indices, logarithms, arithmetic, geometric and harmonic progressions, determinants and matrices.
Coordinate Geometry: Rectangular Cartesian coordinates, distance formulae, equation of a line, and intersection of lines, pair of straight lines, equations of a circle, parabola, ellipse, and hyperbola.
Calculus: Limit of functions, continuous function, differentiation of function, tangents and normals, simple examples of maxima and minima. Integration of functions by parts, by substitution and by partial fraction, definite integrals, applications of definite integrals to areas.
Vectors: Position vector, addition and subtraction of vectors, scalar and vector products and their applications to simple geometrical problems and mechanics.
Trigonometry:Simple identities, trigonometric equations properties of triangles, solution of triangles, heights and distances, general solutions of trigonometric equations.
The questions in this section will cover logical situation and questions based on the facts given in the passage.
3. COMPUTER AWARENESS: (10 questions)
Computer Basics:
Organization of a computer, Central Processing Unit (CPU), structure of instructions in CPU, input/output devices, computer memory, and back-up devices.
Data Representation:
Representation of characters, integers and fractions, binary and hexadecimal representations, binary arithmetic: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, simple arithmetic and two’s complement arithmetic, floating point representation of numbers, Boolean algebra, truth tables, Venn diagrams.
4. GENERAL ENGLISH: (20 questions)
Questions in this section will be designed to test the candidates’ general understanding of the English language. There will be questions on the following topics: Comprehension, vocabulary, Basic English Grammar (like usage of correct forms of verbs, prepositions and articles), word power, synonyms and antonyms, meaning of words and phrases, technical writing.
Test Centres :
NOTE: This is tentative list of test centers. If enough number of candidates do not opt for a particular centre that centre may be cancelled and then center chosen as second choice will be allotted automatically.
Process of NIMCET-2017
The entire process that a candidate has to undergo consists of seven stages:
A. Registration and Applying Online for the test :
All the eligible candidates should register in the website by creating a username and password by themselves between 20- 02-2017 and 20-03-2017 (5.00 pm) IST. One time password (OTP) will be send to applicants mobile number at the time of registration process which need to be entered in the OTP page. The same mobile number of the applicant will be used for future communication from NIMCET-2017 office. Documents (both soft and hard copies) needed for completing the registration are
(i) Payment receipt generated after paying processing fee through NIMCET 2017 website only (see section 5.0);
(ii) recent passport size photograph and its scanned copy (maximum size :30 KB), signature (maximum size:10 KB),
(iii) all certificates and marks memorandum of X Class and qualifying degree, then fill the online application form properly and take print of the generated application form on or before 20th March 2017. Completed application along with all relevant documents should reach to
The Secretary, NIMCET-2017 on or before 31st March , 2017 [5 P.M.].
B. Writing NIMCET-2017 TEST: Candidates can download their admit card through NIMCET 2017 portal between 16-05-2017 and 28-05-2017 at any time and the NIMCET-2017 test which is scheduled to be conducted on 28st May, 2017 (Sunday) between 10.00 A.M and 12.00 noon at various test centers listed in Table 1 of Section 10. Candidates should be present in the examination hall of the test center before 9.30 am on 28-05-2017. Syllabus and test pattern are given in this brochure.
C. Choice filling and locking: Candidates satisfying eligibility (see section 2.0) and qualifying criteria (see section 15.0) will be given Rank in NIMCET-2017 rank. The rank list of the eligible candidates will be published on 06-06-2017. The candidates need to download the rank cards from the website. Candidates who got a rank can login and fill the choices of participating institutes in their order of preference between 09-06-2017 to 14-06-2017. They can also modify their choices (or) reorder them any number of times before locking. It will not be possible to access their choices after locking. All the candidates must have to lock their choices on or before 5 pm on 14-06-2017. The choices of all candidates will be automatically locked by the server of NIMCET-2017 after 5 p.m. on 14-06-2017.
D. Online Seat Allotment and personally reporting at any remote/participating institute: CCandidates will be offered seats based on their choices in the order of NIMCET-2017 rank in three rounds of allotment. Candidates who are allotted a seat must report to any one of the participating institute on the dates specified in each of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd rounds. Reporting at any institute other than the allotted institute is called Remote Reporting. Remote reporting is permitted in first and second rounds of allotment only. During this reporting, all the candidates have to get their original academic documents, proof of Date of Birth, caste and relevant certificates verified and submit payment receipt of the initial fee Rs. 10,000/- paid through NIMCET 2017 website only and give their option in the option form. They will also be issued a provisional admission letter.
Note: Candidates, who get seats in first round of allotment and do not report at any reporting center between 23-06-2017 to 24-06-2017, will be permanently deleted from the database and will not be offered any seat in subsequent rounds of allotment. Similarly, candidates who get seats only in second round (but not in first round) and do not report at any reporting center between 06-07-2017 to 07-07-2017 will be permanently deleted from the database and will not be offered any seat in the subsequent rounds of allotment.
E. Getting Admitted into the Allotted Institute: After the third round of allotment, candidates are required to physically present at the latest allotted institute for admission between 17-07-2017 to 18-07-2017 and attend the classes.
F. Surrendering seats by the candidates:
Candidates who got seat allotted/upgraded in any round(s), and do not wish to join the institute, but wish to participate in the final round of allotment must approach a reporting center, surrender the seat between 17-7-2017 to 18-7-2017 by submitting a prescribed application. At a later stage, these candidates will receive Rs. 9,000/- through online transfer in to their account based on their bank account number details entered in the prescribed application while surrendering.
G. Fresh Choice filling and final round of allotment: After third round of reporting, vacant seats in all Participating NITs will be published in the website on 22-07-2017. Candidates who were not allotted any seat from first to third round of allotment and those who have surrendered their seats are only eligible to fill fresh choices from 23-7-2017 to 24-07-2017 for final round of allotment. Final round of allotment will be done on 26-7-2017 and candidates, who are offered seats in this round, must report to the allotted institute between 27-07-2017 and 31-07-2017 to attend the classes.
Web Enabled On-Line Application Form
Eligible candidates as per section 2.0 are required to fill-in web enabled on-line application form from any place of their convenience. Candidates are required to register themselves in the website by giving their username and password. One time password (OTP) will be send to applicants mobile number at the time of registration process which need to be entered in the log-in page. The same mobile number of the applicant will be used for future communication from NIMCET-2017 office. Candidates are not permitted to create multiple Id’s.
Username: Username must be a string containing at least six alphanumeric characters with first two and last two characters as alphabets. No special characters are allowed.
Password: Password must be a string containing at least six alphanumeric characters. No special characters are allowed.
In case of any Technical problem, Applicants are advised to contact
The Secretary,
National Institute of Technology Durgapur,
PIN – 713209
1. Candidates should apply for NIMCET-2017 through ‘Online’ only
- Candidates must follow instructions strictly as given in the website .
- Applications not complying with the instructions shall be summarily disqualified.
- Candidates should pay the non-refundable processing fee (Rs. 2,000/- for OPEN/OBC and Rs. 1000/- for SC/ST) through NIMCET 2017 website only before final submission of the online application form in the website.
- Candidates should register on NIMCET-2017 website with login, password and then fill all the details as per the Online Form.
- After successful filling of data through online and pressing submit button, a complete application form with unique application number will be generated. Candidate must quote this unique application number in future correspondences till the test is conducted.
- Candidates are required to take printout of the generated application form on or before 20th March, 2017 and send it with e-receipt of the payment and all relevant documents – ”The Director, NIMCET-2017, National Institute of Technology Durgapur, Mahatma Gandhi Avenue, West Bengal– 713209”,͟ by Speed Post/Registered Post on or before 31st March, 2017.
- Please ensure all the supporting documents as specified in check-list are enclosed.
- Please keep two copies of the application and e-receipt for future reference.
- Candidates must remember their login, password, security questions and answers, e-mail id entered in the application till the end of NIMCET-2017 process.
- Candidates will not be allowed to create multiple user logins
- Candidates can use one mobile number to create only one account. Candidate must retain the same mobile number till admission through NIMCET 2017 is over.
- The application forms received after the last date 31st March, 2017 (even though the application is successfully uploaded), and the applications without supporting documents or e-receipt will be summarily rejected.
- NIMCET-2017 is not responsible for any postal delays and hence candidates are advised to post the generated application form with all necessary documents and payment receipt well in advance before the last date i.e., 31-03-2017.
3. Admit cards will not be sent to the candidates individually by post. Eligible candidates can download their own Admit Cards. In case the Admit Card is not available for downloading, the candidates should send an e-mail to between 16th to 27th May, 2017 giving details of the candidate’s application number and proof for remittance of fee. Telephone enquiries will not be entertained.
4. Candidate must preserve the Admit Card till the entire process of admission is complete. Request for issue of duplicate Admit Card will not be entertained after the examination in any case. Application number should be quoted in all subsequent correspondences.
a) Read carefully the instructions to fill in online application form as described in section 6.0. in this brochure
b) Applicants must retain the same mobile number till the completion of the admission process through NIMCET-2017.
c) They are also required to take hard copy (a print out) of the generated application form, enclose all relevant documents (Please enclose photocopy of both sides of mark sheets) and send it by speed post / registered post to the following address along with copies of mark-sheets and pass-certificates of SSC/10th class and Bachelor’s Degree along with payment receipt of processing fee (Rs.2000/- for open / OBC category and Rs. 1000/- for SC/ST category).
Information regarding payment of processing fees through NIMCET-2017 website is given in section 5.0 of this brochure
Applications should reach by speed-post or registered-post on or before 31st March, 2017 [5 pm]
The Secretary,
National Institute of Technology- Durgapur
Mahatma Gandhi Avenue
Applications received after due date and time will not be considered. NIMCET-2017 is not responsible for any postal delays and hence candidates are advised to post the filled-in application with all necessary documents and payment receipt well in advance before the last date i.e., 27-3-2017. Rights are reserved by NIMCET-2017 for any change in this regard.
Processing Fee through NIMCET-2017 website
The non-refundable processing Fee for NIMCET-2017 test and counseling for admission to the MCA programme is Rs. 2,000/- for OPEN/OBC category and Rs. 1000/- for SC/ST category candidates. Candidates have to deposit an appropriate amount relevant to their category.
Candidates are required to deposit the processing fee through NIMCET 2017 website only. The copy of the payment receipt need to be sent along with generated application to NIMCET-2017 office.
Seat Matrix
1. Among the All India Quota seats, there is no separate state-wise quota
2. SC/ST and OBC Reservations – As per Government of India Rules
3. Seat Matrix: Subject to change
4. PwD Persons with Disabilities ** Please check the fee structure at NIT, Kurukshetra (visit ) under self-financing scheme.
Check List :
Print the Check list given below and mark (√) in the box for compliance of each and send it along with the generated application form, payment e-receipt and other documents.
In case, not applicable for (iv) or (vi) below, specify “NA “in the box.
(i) Generated Application Form signed at the bottom of each page and at the Signature place of the Declaration part. ☐
(ii) Payment through State Bank collect as processing fee for NIMCET-2016 worth (a) Rs. 2,000/- for Open/OBC, or (b) Rs. 1,000/- for SC/ST
(iii) Copies of Mark sheets of (a) SSC or 10th Class or equivalent and (b) qualifying Degree
(iv) If applicable, Category Certificate issued by the competent authority in the prescribed format given in Annexure I and II of this brochure.
(v) If applicable, Persons with Disabilities Certificate issued by competent authority in the prescribed format given in Annexure III of this brochure.
(vi) Certificate issued by head of the institution in case of candidates appearing for their final examination in the academic year 2017-18.(see annexure-IV for proforma of certificate)
Important Dates
Events | Last Date [time*] |
Publication of Advertisement in Press and Web | Friday , 17/02/2017 |
Opening date for online Registration | Monday, 20/02/ 2017 [10 a.m.] |
Closing Date of Online | Monday, 20/03/2017 [up to 5 p.m.] |
Last date for receipt of printout of electronically filled application form along with requisite money receipt of Application form by speed post/Registered post | Friday, 31/03/2017 up to 3 p.m. in the office of NIMCET 2017, NIT DURGAPUR. |
Availability of Admit card on web for download | Monday, 16/05/ 2017 onwards |
Date and Time of Examination | Sunday, 28/05/2017 [Time: 10 A.M to 12 Noon.] |
Date of Publication of Result (Tentative) | Tentatively on or before Tuesday, 06/06/2017 |
Counseling Dates (Tentative) : Choice filling (Last date of Locking choice) | Friday , 09/06/2017 – Wednesday, 14/06/2017 [ up to 5. P.m] |
First Round of Allotment | Saturday, 17/06/ 2017 |
First round of Remote reporting in person in any of the PartiĐipating NIT͛S |
Friday, 23/06/ 2017 to Saturday, 24/06/ 2017.[Time: 10 A.M. to 5 P.M.] |
Second round of Allotment/up gradation | Friday, 30/06/ 2017. |
Second round of Remote reporting in person (fresh allotees must report. And allotees whose seats are upgraded need to report only if they wish to modify their option otherwise need not report) |
Thursday, 06/07/ 2017 to Friday, 07/07/ 2017.[Time: 10 A.M. to 5 P.M.] |
Third round of allotment/upgradation | Tuesday, 11/07/2017 |
Third round of reporting in person at the allotted institute and Surrendering the allotted seats by those who do not wish to join the allotted institute, but wish to participate in final round of allotment. |
Monday, 17/07/2017 to Tuesday, 18/07/ 2017.[Time: 10 A.M. to 5 P.M.] |
Announcement of vacant seats | Saturday, 22/07/ 2017 |
Fresh Choice Filling | Sunday, 23/07/2017 to Monday, 24/07/2017 [ 5. p.m] |
Final round of allotment | Wednesday, 26/07/ 2017 |
Final round of reporting at allotted institute | On or before Monday, 31/07/2017 |
For Proforma for Other Backward Class (OBC Certificate), Click here
Proforma for Scheduled Caste (SC) / Scheduled Tribe (ST) Certificate, Click here
Proforma for Persons with Disabilities (PwD) Certificate, Click here
For Previous Year Question Papers & Solutions, Click here